Higher Education
Author(s): George Reynolds
ISBN: 9789386650948
5th Edition
Copyright: 2015
India Release: 2017
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 480
Trim Size: 241 x 181 mm
Give your students a strong understanding of the legal, ethical, and societal implications of information technology with Reynolds' ETHICS IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, Fifth Edition. The latest edition of this dynamic text provides up-to-date, thorough coverage of notable technology developments and their impact on business today. Students will examine issues surrounding professional codes of ethics, file sharing, infringement of intellectual property, security risk assessment, Internet crime, identity theft, employee surveillance, privacy, compliance, social networking, and the ethics of IT corporations. This book offers an excellent foundation in ethical decision-making for current and future business managers and IT professionals. Unlike typical introductory Information Systems books that cover ethical issues only briefly, ETHICS IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY provides thorough coverage to prepare the individuals responsible for addressing ethical issues in today's workplace. Students will learn how to examine ethical situations that typically arise in IT and gain practical advice for addressing the relevant issues. Up-to-the-minute business vignettes and thought-provoking questions challenge students' knowledge, while features focused on decision-making--including updated Manager's Checklists--provide brief, critical points to consider in making key business decisions. Trust ETHICS IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, Fifth Edition, to equip your students with the understanding of IT and ethics needed for confident decision-making and professional success.
1. An Overview of Ethics.
2. Ethics for IT Professionals and IT Users.
3. Computer and Internet Crime.
4. Privacy.
5. Freedom of Expression.
6. Intellectual Property.
7. Software Development.
8. Social Networking.
9. Ethics of IT Organizations.
Appendix A: Brief Introduction to Morality.
Appendix B: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
Appendix C: Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) Code of Ethics.
Appendix D: Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice.
George Reynolds, Strayer University
Professor George Reynolds brings a wealth of business, teaching, and writing experience to this book. His successful business career spans four decades of working in government, institutional, and business IS organizations. Professor Reynolds combines this business and industry experience with exceptional teaching skills to deliver a text that is both practical and focused on the needs of today's student. Professor Reynolds has taught IS at the University of Cincinnati, Xavier University (Ohio), Miami University (Ohio), the College of Mount St. Joseph, and Strayer University. He has held positions at the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston, Texas; the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, California; and Procter & Gamble and Atos IT Services in Cincinnati, Ohio. Professor Reynolds has authored more than two dozen popular textbooks addressing various aspects of today’s information technology and business.