Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning
Problem-Solving Cases in Microsoft Access and Excel
Microsoft® Excel® 2013 : Comprehensive
eBook for New Perspectives Microsoft® Office 365 & Excel 2016: Comprehensive
Higher Education
Author(s): Debra Gross
ISBN: 9788131527962
1st Edition
Copyright: 2014
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 720
Trim Size : 241 x 181 mm
SUCCEEDING IN BUSINESS WITH MICROSOFT OFFICE EXCEL 2013 prepares your students to solve business problems by moving beyond the basic "point and click" skills to think critically about realistic business situations. When students combine software analysis with their own decision making abilities, they are more likely meet any business challenge with success. The Succeeding in Business Series emphasizes problem-solving, critical thinking, and analysis – challenging students to find efficient and effective solutions.
Introduction: Introduction to Problem Solving and Decision making with Microsoft Excel 2013.
1. Applying Fundamental Excel Skills and Tools in Problem Solving.
2. Solving Problems with Statistical Analysis Tools.
3. Determining Effective Data Display with Charts
4. Applying Logic in Decision Making.
5. Retrieving Data for Computation, analysis, and Reference.
6. Evaluating the Financial Impact of Loans and Investments.
7. Organizing Data for Effective Analysis.
8. Using Data Tables and Excel Scenarios for What-if Analysis.
9. Enhancing Decision Making with Solver.
10. Troubleshooting Workbooks and Creating Excel Applications.
Appendix: Working with Array Functions.
Debra Gross
Debra Gross teaches at The Ohio State University in the department of Computer Science & Engineering.
Frank Akaiwa
Frank E. Akaiwa teaches at the Kelly School of Business at Indiana University.
Karleen Nordquist
Karleen Nordquist has been tutoring Accounting and Finance topics for post-secondary students St. John's University.