Higher Education


Microelectronics Laboratory using Software Tools : Pspice, Orcad, Multisim

Author(s): Muhammad H Rashid

ISBN: 9788131529584

1st Edition

Copyright: 2016

India Release: 2016


Binding: Paperback

Pages: 302

Trim Size: 254 x 203

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Due to the advancement of many available integrated circuit (IC) packages for analog and digital circuits, the emphasis of electronics lab has shifted from the traditional lab manual, which described the procedures for the measurements of device characteristics and verifications of theoretical results by practical measurements. With the rapidly changing technology and the job descriptions of engineering graduates, the engineering curriculum is undergoing major changes in order to introduce specific life-long learning skills for survival in the rapidly changing professional environment.

The mathematical derivations are kept minimum by using approximate circuit models of operational amplifiers, transistors, and diodes. However, the significance of these approximations are established by computer-aided analysis. Due to the complexity of electronic circuits, computer-aided simulation has also become an integral part of an assignment involving design, development, and analysis. For example, simulation is essential for evaluating the performance of a proposed circuit under various conditions and for making any adjustments in order to meet certain design specifications. A laboratory is the ideal place to verify the theoretical development and to understand the effects of practical limitations. Computer simulation cannot substitute the practical lab experience. It is very highly desirable to include open-ended labs to meet certain design requirements/specifications rather than traditional labs with lab procedures. The open-ended labs help students develop skills in problem-solving, critical thinking, reasoning, analysis, and evaluations. Since engineering often involves innovation or invention, creativity is very important.

  • The lab assignments are designed to meet the Washington Accord/ABET engineering accreditation requirements of the ability (a) to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice, and (b) to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
  • The objectives and the student learning outcomes are identified at the beginning of each lab assignment.
  • The characteristics, biasing, analysis, and design for diodes, BJTs JFETS, MOSFETs are covered.
  • An instructor has the flexibility to choose from 47 labs covering diode circuits to advanced differential amplifiers and op-amp circuits in order to complement the theoretical lectures over one semester or two semesters or even three semesters.
  • Computer-aided simulation is an integral part of each lab for evaluating the performance of electronic circuits under various conditions and for making any adjustments in order to meet certain design specifications.
  • There are numerous open-ended labs to meet certain design requirements/specifications rather than traditional labs with lab procedures. The open-ended labs help students developing skills in problem-solving, critical thinking, reasoning, analysis, and evaluations.
  • Each lab is self-contained and uses a lab report template designed to document and demonstrate the achievement of the student learning outcomes. There is no need for separate lab reports.
  • The labs make references to the chapters of the book Microelectronic Circuits: Analysis and Design by M. H. Rashid. This lab book can be used with any other books for electrical, electronic and communication engineering, or engineering technology.
  • A lab is expected to develop certain skills, and the book identifies thirteen skills expected from the laboratory experiences. A student survey form is included to assess the achievement of the laboratory skills and outcomes.

Introduction 1

1. Oscilloscope Measurements


Part I – Semiconductor Diodes and Applications

2. Diode Characteristics

3. Diode Rectifiers

4. Design Of A Zener Diode Regulator

5. Design Of A Diode Power Supply


Part II – Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs) and Applications

6. Characteristics and Biasing Of Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs)

7. Design of a BJT Common Emitter Amplifier

8. Design Of a BJT Common Collector Amplifier

9. Design of a Multi-Stage BJT Amplifier

10. Design 0f A BJT CE-Amplifier For Frequency Response

11. Actively-Biased BJT Common-Emitter (Ce) Amplifier

12. Design of Active BJT Current Sources

13. Characteristics of BJT Differential Amplifiers

14. Design of A BJT Differential Amplifier

15. Design of A BJT Operational Amplifier

16. Design of BJ Feedback Amplifiers

17. Design of a Class-AB BJT Amplifier

18. Characteristics of BJT Inverters


Part III – Field-Effect Transistors (FETs) and Applications

19. Characteristics and Biasing of Junction Field-Effect Transistors (JFETs)

20. Design of a JFET Common Source Amplifier

21. Characteristics and Biasing of MOSFETs

22. Design of a MOSFET Common Source Amplifier

23. Design of a MOSFET Common-Drain Amplifier

24. Design of a Multi-Stage MOSFET Amplifier

25. Design of a CS-MOSFET Amplifier For Frequency Response

26. Actively-Biased MOSFET Common-Source (CS) Amplifier

27. Design of Active Biased MOSFE-Current Sources

28. Characteristics of MOSFET Differential Amplifiers

29. Design of a MOSFET Operational Amplifier

30. Characteristics of CMOS Inverters


Part IV - Operational Amplifiers (Op-Amps) and Applications

31. Design of Op-Amp Non-Inverting, Inverting and Difference Amplifiers

32. Design of Op-Amp Inverting Integrator and Differentiator

33. Design of an Op-Amp Instrumentation Amplifier

34. Frequency Response of Op-Amp Non-Inverting, Inverting and Difference Amplifiers

35. Frequency Response of Op-Amp Integrators and Differentiators

36. Feedback Op-Amp Circuits

37. Design of a Sallen-Key Band-Pass Active Filter

38. Design of a Butterworth Band-Pass Active Filter

39. Op-Amp Phase-Shift Oscillators

40. Op-Amp Quadrature Oscillators

41. Design of an Op-Amp Phase-Shift Oscillator

42. Design of an Op-Amp Wein-Bridge Oscillator

43. Design of a Precision Rectifier

44. Design of an Op-Amp Limiting Circuit

45. Design of an Op-Amp Schmitt Trigger

46. Design of an Op-Amp Square-Wave Generator

47. Design of an Op-Amp Stable Multivibrator

Muhammad H. Rashid       

Muhammad H. Rashid is currently employed by the University of West Florida as a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Previously, he was employed by the University of Florida as Professor and Director of UF/UWF Joint Program. Rashid received B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, and M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Birmingham, UK. Previously, he worked as Professor of Electrical Engineering and the Chair of the Engineering Department at Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne. He also worked as Visiting Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Connecticut, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at Concordia University (Montreal, Canada), Professor of Electrical Engineering at Purdue University Calumet, and Visiting Professor of Electrical Engineering at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (Saudi Arabia), as a design and development engineer with Brush Electrical Machines Ltd. (England, UK), a Research Engineer with Lucas Group Research Centre (England, UK), a Lecturer and Head of Control Engineering Department at the Higher Institute of Electronics (in Libya and Malta).

Dr Rashid is actively involved in teaching, researching, and lecturing in electronics, power electronics, and professional ethics. He has published 18 books listed in the US Library of Congress and more than 160 technical papers. His books are adopted as textbooks all over the world. His book Power Electronics has translations in Spanish, Portuguese, Indonesian, Korean, Italian, Chinese, Persian, and Indian edition. His book Microelectronics has translations in Spanish in Mexico and in Spain, Italian, and Chinese.