Electronic Circuits and Applications
ISBN: 9788131522844
Higher Education
Author(s): Muhammad H Rashid
ISBN: 9789386668653
4th Edition
Copyright: 2019
India Release: 2018
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 540
Trim Size: 241 x 155 mm
This easy-to-read and follow text thoroughly and quickly introduces the reader to the SPICE simulator and its applicable integration within the marketplace. Regarded as a standard software used by the industry, SPICE was created for analysing electrical and electronic circuits. Examples of everything from passive circuits to those with active devices are provided herein.
The author carefully describes the techniques of simulating circuits and then covers the application of various SPICE commands for electrical and electronic circuits. The circuit examples cited are those commonly used in basic circuits and electronic courses.
Equally suited for professional engineers with no prior experience in this area, this text will prove beneficial especially in terms of utilizing the SPICE, PSpice, LTspice, or Multisim simulator to verify all design concepts. Comprehensive assignments and over 170 detailed figures make this book suitable for self-study and quick learning.
1. Introduction
2. Circuit Descriptions
3. DC Circuit Analysis
4. Transient Analysis
5. AC Circuit Analysis
6. Advanced SPICE Commands and Analysis
7. Semiconductor Diodes
8. Bipolar Junction Transistors
9. Field-Effect Transistors
10. Op-amp Circuits
11. Difficulties
Muhammad H. Rashid
Muhammad H. Rashid (MSc, PhD from University of Birmingham, UK) is Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Florida Polytechnic University. Previously, he was Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of UF/UWF Joint Program at University of Florida. Prior to that, he worked as Professor of Electrical Engineering and Chair of the Engineering Department at Purdue University at Fort Wayne. He has also been faculty member of Electrical Engineering at University of Connecticut; Concordia University, Montreal; Purdue University, Calumet; and King Fahd university of Petroleum and Minerals in Saudi Arabia.
Prof. Rashid is actively involved in teaching and research in electronics, power electronics, and professional ethics. He has published 22 books listed in the US Library of Congress and more than 160 technical papers. His books are adopted as textbooks all over the world. His books Power Electronics and Microelectronics have been translated into many languages. He has received many invitations from foreign governments and agencies to give keynote lectures and consult, foreign universities to serve as an external examiner for UG, PG, and PhD examinations, and funding agencies to review research proposals.
He is Fellow of IET, UK, and Life Fellow of IEEE, USA. He has received several IEEE awards: 1991 Outstanding Engineer Award, the 2002 Educational Activity Award (EAB) Meritorious Achievement Award, the 2008 Undergraduate Teaching Award, and the 2013 Industry Applications Society Outstanding Achievement Award. He has been distinguished lecturer for IEEE Education and Industrial Applications Societies. Dr Rashid is ABET program evaluator for electrical and computer engineering and (general) engineering programmes. He is series editor of Power Electronics and Applications, Nanotechnology and Applications, and Energy System in Electrical Engineering.
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