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Essentials of Marketing Research (Print on Demand)

Author(s): William G. Zikmund | Barry J. Babin

ISBN: 9788131502815

3rd Edition

Copyright: 2007

India Release: 2007


Binding: Paperback

Pages: 432

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'In response to market feedback, ESSENTIALS OF MARKETING RESEARCH, 3rd, was developed directly from the ninth edition of Barry J. Babin and William Zikmund's best-selling Exploring Marketing Research text. ESSENTIAL'S OF MARKETING RESEARCH focuses on students as managers, not practitioners, of marketing research. It addresses the design, collection, analysis, and reporting of marketing research data relevant to a firm's current and future needs, but it is designed specifically for instructors who prefer a more concise introduction to marketing research topics.
' A Simplified Approach: This approach has been taken to emphasize significant content material and issues, which will reinforce positive student learning outcomes. Moreover, this simplified approach continues into the analytical chapters, which now deemphaisize statistical theory and detail and focus more on practical statistical application. Integrated Technology Information: The Internet is revolutionizing information systems, ways of gathering secondary data, survey processes, sampling, questionnaire design, qualitative analysis and communication of results. Practically every chapter includes significant coverage of Internet related topics. Most chapters also include review questions and activities that get research students involved with the Internet in a relevant way. New Chapter Vignettes: Each chapter sets the stage with a story relevant to the topics discussed in that particular chapter. The vignettes include real world companies, as well as "slice of life" stories describing a business person's struggle to make smart decisions - both demonstrate how research is intertwined with their struggle. These examples are referred to throughout most of the chapters, providing readers with a running example. Increased Coverage on International Issues: The increased international examples will increase awareness of research issues beyond North America and expose domestic students to global dynamics. This is a particularly important addition to the text since cultural and language barriers often present challenges for the researcher, and many readers may work outside the United States or Canada. New Case Materials: Nearly all chapters include at least one new end-of-chapter case, as well as several new end-of-book cases. These cases present interesting, real-life research situations that require students to make thoughtful decisions. They offer the opportunity for active participation in the decision-making process, one of the most effective forms of learning. Many of these cases focus on Internet issues or ethical issues associated with marketing research. Data sets for excel and SPSS are included for select cases on the text web site.
' INTRODUCTION.The Role of Marketing Research. Information Systems and Knowledge Management.The Marketing Research Process: An Overview.The Human Side of Marketing Research: Organizational and Ethical Issues.DESIGNING RESEARCH STUDIES.Exploratory Research and Qualitative Analysis.Secondary Data Research in a Digital Age.Survey Research.Observation.Experimental Research.MEASUREMENT.Measurement and Attitude Measurement.Questionnaire Design.SAMPLING AND STATISTICAL THEORY.Sampling Designs and Sampling Procedures.Determination of Sample Size: A Review of Statistical Theory.ANALYSIS AND REPORTING.Basic Data Analysis. Differences Between Groups and Relationships Among Variables.Communicating Research Results: Research Report, Oral Presentation, and Research Follow-Up.COMPREHENSIVE CASES WITH COMPUTERIZED DATABASES.Appendix: Statistical Tables.