Higher Education


Principles of Supply Chain Management : A Balanced Approach

Author(s): Joel D. Wisner | Keah-Choon Tan | G. Keong Leong

ISBN: 9789353502171

5th Edition

Copyright: 2019

India Release: 2019


Binding: Paperback

Pages: 624

Trim Size: 254 x 203 mm

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Present the latest practices, trends, and developments from the field as PRINCIPLES OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: A BALANCED APPROACH, 5E guides students step-by-step through the management of all supply chain activities. Comprehensive content addresses real concerns related to domestic and global supply chains while one-of-a-kind coverage encompasses processes in operations, purchasing, logistics and then process integration. The book follows the natural flow through the supply chain to create one of the most balanced approaches available. Well-organized chapters demonstrate practical applications of supply chain management in today's workplace with SCM Profiles and new end-of-chapter cases.

  • GLOBAL ISSUES ARE EMPHASIZED THROUGHOUT THIS EDITION. Students review the expanding role of supply chain management in sustaining a global competitive advantage. The authors closely examine issues associated with global process integration and risk and security.
  • UNIQUE CONTENT PROVIDES IMPORTANT COVERAGE AVAILABLE ONLY IN THIS BOOK. One-of-a-kind coverage in this comprehensive text encompasses operations, purchasing, logistics, and process integration with a focus on supply chain management. You can introduce students to a wealth of important content not available in other textbooks as this edition demonstrates how all aspects of supply chain management are accomplished effectively and efficiently.
  • BALANCED PRESENTATION OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT FOLLOWS A NATURAL FLOW. To ensure thorough student understanding, the authors break down supply chain issues into purchasing, operations, logistics, and process integration. The text follows a natural flow through the supply chain activities -- making it one of the most balanced supply chain management books available.
  • EXCEPTIONAL CASES AND SOLID ORGANIZATION EMPHASIZE PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS IN TODAY'S WORKPLACE. Well-organized chapters and excellent case studies clearly demonstrate the practical applications of real-world supply chain management. Interesting company examples are woven throughout to clarify and demonstrate the relevance of today’s most current supply chain issues that are covered in depth.
  • COVERAGE OF INTERNATIONAL PURCHASING/PROCUREMENT AND ETHICAL AND SUSTAINABLE SOURCING PREPARES STUDENTS FOR REAL BUSINESS. Sections on international purchasing and procurement for government and nonprofit agencies (Chapter 2) equip students with critical knowledge of today's global marketplace. An entire chapter devoted to ethical and sustainable sourcing (Chapter 4) introduces students to some of the most pressing challenges in today’s workplace.
  • FORECASTING EXAMPLES, COVERAGE OF LEAN PRODUCTION, AND EXAMPLES OF SIX SIGMA HELP STUDENTS APPLY WHAT THEY'VE LEARNED. Easy-to-apply forecasting examples in Part III emphasize how to use Excel® effectively. Sections highlight the environmental impacts of lean production and offer current examples of Six Sigma programs. Up-to-date examples on inventory investment and turnover ratios (Chapter 7) keep students aware of the latest developments.
  • EXAMPLES HIGHLIGHT EMERGING ISSUES IN SOCIAL MEDIA, CLOUD COMPUTING, BIG DATA, AND MANAGEMENT OF SERVICE SUPPLY CHAINS. Packed with examples illustrating how to manage service supply chains effectively, this edition prepares students to understand sustainability in logistics and the impact of social media, cloud computing, and big data analysis in customer relationship management and other processes.
  • CUTTING-EDGE COVERAGE EMPHASIZES THE MOST CURRENT INFORMATION AVAILABLE. Completely updated content, current business examples and the latest supply chain trends and developments appear in every chapter.
  • NEW END-OF-CHAPTER CASES HIGHLIGHT THE RELEVANCE AND IMPORTANCE OF CONCEPTS. These engaging cases help your students apply the lessons they’ve learned from each chapter. Every chapter, after Chapter 1, provides two brief cases and one lengthier more detailed case.
  • REAL-LIFE, TIMELY EXAMPLES BRING CHAPTER CONCEPTS TO LIFE. Each chapter includes several SCM Profile boxed features that keep students fully engaged by illustrating chapter topics in the context of real-world practice.
  • EXPANDED STUDENT EXERCISES OFFER MORE OPTIONS. End-of-chapter questions and problems are now revised and expanded in this edition to give you more flexibility in assigning homework. With even more exercises students have plenty of experience putting chapter concepts into practice.


1. Introduction to Supply Chain Management.


2. Purchasing Management.

3. Creating and Managing Supplier Relationships.

4. Ethical and Sustainable Sourcing.


5. Demand Forecasting.

6. Resource Planning Systems.

7. Inventory Management.

8. Process Management--Lean and Six Sigma in the Supply Chain.


9. Domestic U.S. and Global Logistics.

10. Customer Relationship Management.

11. Global Location Decisions.

12. Service Response Logistics.


13. Supply Chain Process Integration.

14. Performance Measurement Along the Supply Chain.

Joel D. Wisner, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Joel D. Wisner is Professor of Supply Chain Management at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Prior to his academic career, he worked as an engineer in the oil industry in West Texas and the Louisiana Gulf Coast. His research interests encompass quality assessment and improvement strategies along the supply chain. Dr. Wisner also coauthored PROCESS MANAGEMENT, and his articles have appeared in numerous journals, including JOURNAL OF BUSINESS LOGISTICS, JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, JOURNAL OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT, JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION, PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, and QUALITY MANAGEMENT JOURNAL. He earned his BS in Mechanical Engineering from New Mexico State University, his MBA from West Texas State University, and his PhD in Supply Chain Management from Arizona State University.


Keah-Choon Tan, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Keah-Choon Tan is Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Professor of Operations Management in the Lee Business School at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Prior to academia, Dr. Tan was a hospital administrator and an account comptroller of a manufacturing firm. He holds certifications in purchasing management (CPM) and production and inventory management (CPIM). In addition to serving as editor, as co-guest editor, and on the editorial boards of academic journals, he has published articles in the areas of supply chain management, quality, and operations scheduling in numerous academic journals, including DECISION SCIENCES, DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS & PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT, JOURNAL OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT, and OMEGA. Dr. Tan has received several research grants and teaching awards, including the UNLV Foundation Distinguished Teaching Award. He received a BSc degree and an MBA from the University of South Alabama and a PhD in Operations Management from Michigan State University.


G. Keong Leong, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

G. Keong Leong is Professor and MBA Director in the Lee Business School at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He was previously a member of the faculty at Ohio State University and a clinical faculty at the Thunderbird School of Global Management. In addition to coauthoring OPERATIONS STRATEGY: FOCUSING COMPETITIVE EXCELLENCE and CASES IN INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT: A FOCUS ON EMERGING MARKETS, Dr. Leong has published articles in numerous academic journals, including JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, DECISION SCIENCES, INTERFACES, JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF

OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, and INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH. He received the Educator of the Year award from the Asian Chamber of Commerce in Las Vegas; the Dennis E. Grawoig Distinguished Service award from Decision Sciences Institute; and the OM Distinguished Scholar award from the Operations Management Division, Academy of Management. Active in the Decision Sciences Institute, he has served as president, DECISION LINE editor, at-large vice president, associate program chair, Innovative Education Committee chair, Doctoral Student Affairs Committee chair, and Manufacturing Management Track chair. In addition, Dr. Leong served as president of the Western Decision Sciences Institute and chair of the Operations Management Division, Academy of Management. He received an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Malaya and an MBA and PhD from the University of South Carolina.